FAQs about NuArx firewall data in the My VikingCloud (MVC) Portal

Potential Firewall Issue: If you have received a 'Potential Firewall Issue' notification in the My VikingCloud portal for one of your stores, it will also show up in the Firewall Availability widget's yellow 'Potential Issue' slice. 

What to do next? 

1- Check power at your store location

2- Check internet connectivity at store location and verify no issues with your ISP

3- If everything looks OK for internet and power, please contact the VikingCloud Service Desk at 877-556-8279



Number of Firewalls: You may notice the number of firewalls you see in the My VikingCloud portal does not align with the number you expect to see. 

What to do next? 

1-  The firewall database being used by the portal is a new data source vs the one utilized by VikingCloud's operations team, and there is a high priority validation effort underway to align data sources.

2- To assist validation, please contact either your VikingCloud account manager or the VikingCloud Service Desk at 877-556-8279 to notify us of any discrepancies you see. 

3- Please provide firewall serial #s and store locations for us to populate in the My VikingCloud portal.

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  • 0
    Derek Emrie

    ok, hopefully all is well in Viking Cloud. waiti g for a tech to call and verify required ports are open to allow communications with Brinks.

  • 0
    Shandra Record

    need to verify the address to complete a return 


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